People-Pleasing, Perfectionism, and Burnout

1080145265Smiling and nodding are getting old.

Paying more than your fair share for the bill…

Agreeing to someone else’s plans when you’d rather do something else…

It’s getting old… and you’re tired of pretending it’s okay when it’s not.

But it’s so automatic to agree with others! Even if they ask a simple question like “What do you want to do?” or “How do you feel?” you don’t even know what to say!

Sometimes, you wish you could say, “No,” or “I don’t want to,” or “I’m frustrated right now,” but if you said those things, you’d feel selfish or guilty.

Rocking the boat seems too scary. What if it ruined the relationship?

1331274497Anything less than perfection is failure.

For work, you spend countless hours editing the PowerPoint slides and rehearsing the presentation you’re going to give the following week. It’s straightforward enough, but you pore over it like your life depends on it.

Your friends and family are asking when they can see your new place, but you’re waiting until you’ve figured out how to arrange the furniture and have the pictures hanging just the right way. You’re waiting for the right time, but it never happens.

You believe,“Mistakes are not okay. Failure is shameful. People won’t like or accept you if they see you failing.”

1606546576Perpetual exhaustion and irritability…

They’re just par for the course now.

It used to be enjoyable to hang out with your family and friends on the weekends, but now it’s just another chore you don’t have enough time or energy to do. There’s so much on your to-do list – too many places to be at once. It’s hard to get excited about the weekend or the week ahead.

Even doing things like going out to eat with your partner or playing tennis, which you used to love, no longer hold their appeal.

You find yourself snapping at your partner and kids for making too much noise or being too demanding, even though they’re just themselves.

Lately, everything feels like a mountain you have to climb.

2047333658Ready to get off the treadmill?

Life as you know it no longer feels sustainable. Ignoring your basic wants and needs so you can please others and look like a success from the outside cannot continue.

Your friends, family, and colleagues tell you don’t seem like yourself.

And the longer it goes on, the more you worry about ever feeling alive and vibrant again.

789676552Let’s work on taking back your life and energy.

It’s time to step back and develop a strategy to reclaim your life, recognize your limits, and put yourself into the equation.

Through our work together, you’ll learn how to shift your perspective to untangle the patterns and self-defeating beliefs that lead to people-pleasing and perfectionism.

In the process, you’ll learn to be kinder to yourself and, as a result, feel more motivated and have more satisfaction and enjoyment.

We’ll also develop new, more effective strategies for managing stress and overwhelm. Mind-body tools will help you calm your nervous system and complete the stress cycle in your body.

Start living life for yourself again!

Let’s do this. Give me a call and we can schedule your free 20-minute consultation: (507) 200-0206.