Individual Therapy

659491051Things weren’t always this way.

It wasn’t that long ago that you felt centered in your core and confident in your own skin.

You had the energy and resources to focus on what was important and let go of the things that weren’t.

The challenges of your career and relationships felt manageable, and you took time out of your busy day to feel whole and integrated.

But something has changed.

Now, there’s this constant weight on your shoulders, and your mind never seems to slow down.

You can’t stop the negative voices in your head that remind you that you’re not enough – not good enough, smart enough, loveable enough, or confident enough.

The pressure you feel as you go about your daily life erodes your sense of self. Now, you’re simply going through the motions, and it all feels like it’s too much.

Individual therapy can help you feel empowered again.

By working with me, you can better understand your reactions to stressful events.

Learn to engage with challenging situations and people from a more informed and effective space. Stop putting energy into the areas you can’t control and focus on what’s important.

Finally, tame that inner voice that no longer serves you and replace it with more helpful self-talk that brings you motivation and inner peace.

How it works.

I believe that our bodies can offer us wisdom and serve as an internal compass. So, by integrating mind-body techniques, we can manage your energy and calm your nervous system.

By helping you examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that hold you back, you’ll be able to identify and practice new modes of thinking, feeling, and relating to yourself and others.

Together, we’ll explore effective and practical changes that can help you move forward in your life. We’ll work together to identify the values, goals, and habits that align with your goals and break them down into bite-size, actionable steps.

675368233Let’s work together.

Every moment, you make choices that impact you positively or negatively. Today, choose to do something that will leave you feeling more present and optimistic.

Dealing with uncertainty and change can be scary, but you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to offer you an experienced and nonjudgmental perspective.

I can help you, but you need to take the next step. Reach out for your free 20-minute consultation, and let’s get started!


We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.

– Thich Nhat Hanh